Saturday 7 September 2013

Week 6 ~ Readings in John's Gospel

Jesus says: "I AM the Resurrection and the LIFE!"

Intro: "He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name." John 1:11-12. We read this verse our first week. It is good to remind ourselves of what it says and how it clarifies who belongs to the Father and who does not! And it is the difference between receiving and not receiving, believing or not believing.  This week we will be finding out more about that word, "believe".  We can use the word lightly, even saying something like "I believe there is a barbecue on Sunday", meaning we don't know whether there is or not! That is NOT the sort of believing Jesus talks about! I will use the Amplified version of the Bible in these notes to give a clearer picture of what it means to believe in Jesus.

Day 1:  John 10:19-30
            "My Father is greater than all!" Jesus is talking about His Father in relation to His sheep. The Father will never let us go. No evil person or circumstance or happening can ever remove those who believe from Father's care! The Pharisees cannot deny Jesus' miracles, but they do not believe, "trust" and "rely on" HIM. They have head-knowledge of who they think God is. To believe in Jesus is heart-knowledge! Verse 27 shows us what believing means for His sheep. This is a developing faith. It does not happen overnight. It is not a mental acquiescence, but daily hearing and listening to our Shepherd's voice, to find His way in every circumstance of life. He knows us, and loves and cares for us just as we are. Make a note of all that Jesus and the Father do for their sheep. Our great and mighty God is FOR us!

Day 2:  John 10:31-42
            Jesus has demonstrated His Father's glory and mercy through His healing miracles, and yet the hard-hearted unbelieving Jews still want to stone Him. They can't help but acknowledge His deeds, but do not want HIM. There is always a choice. Even to believe in His works will produce faith in Jesus as being one with GOD the Father. He offers these people a doorway to faith. Perhaps there is a situation in your life where it is difficult to believe that God will help you. Think of what He has done for you before or read the testimony of someone else and let that be your doorway to saying "Yes, Lord, I remember the miracles you have already done. Please help me adhere to and trust in and rely on You and on Your word in this circumstance."
                  (nb: In verse 34, Jesus is quoting from Psalm 82:6. Men do have authority and are like 'gods' on this earth, but unless our lives are governed by the LORD Jesus, we will still walk and rule in darkness.)

Day 3:  John 11:1-16
            The next few days takes us through one of the most wonderful stories in the Bible. First we meet the family, 2 sisters and their brother – Mary, Martha and Lazarus! This family were close friends of Jesus – He could always be sure of a good meal in Martha's house! When Jesus is told Lazarus is sick, they say, "He whom you love." Jesus has special friends and those He can be Himself with, and He wants to be at home in our hearts in the same way. Why did Jesus delay 2 whole days before going to see his sick friend? The reason the disciples didn't want to go was their fear of being arrested with Jesus, and killed! But Jesus had a different reason – v 4 and 15. Are there some issues in your life, where it seems the Lord is not in a hurry to answer your prayers, nor come to help you? Keep believing Him, trusting and relying on His word and promises – He will come. The outcome will be for God's glory and that we might trust and love Him more! And that others will believe also!

Day 4: John 11:17-27
         "I AM the Resurrection and the Life!"  Martha hears Jesus is coming – and runs out to find Him. Her greeting is a mixture of faith and disappointment. Her brother has died by this time, and Jesus didn't come – He wasn't there when they needed Him! Look at each of Martha's declarations in verse 21, 22, 24 and then 27. Now put yourself in Martha's place, running to meet Jesus. If you have disappointments and failure and sadness you are still coping with, put your own words into these verses, telling Jesus that He is the anointed Son of God, the One Who can bring LIFE where there is death and restoration where there is loss. Like Martha, say "I KNOW…" and "I believe…" (have faith in, cleave to and rely on) You, Lord Jesus!"

Day 5: John 11:28-37
          "The Lord is here and is calling for you!"  What amazing words to one who is shut up in her grief! Look back at verse 20.Maybe that is a word right now for someone reading this. "The Lord is here and calling for YOU!" Mary jumps up and runs to meet Jesus. Her first words are identical to Martha's! The sceptics have the same question in verse 37. But what a difference! Martha and Mary, despite their grief, speak out of faith and love – these others are scorning the fact that He didn't seem able to heal Lazarus before he died. It is perfectly alright to have questions for Jesus, when they come from a heart of love for Him and a need to hear Him, and to understand. Jesus knows the outcome, which He has already told Martha in v 23, and yet He weeps with those who weep, and He tenderly loves His friends.

Day 6:  John 11:38-40
            Martha, the ever practical one, objects strongly to Jesus' order to roll away the boulder. In hot countries, the stench of a dead body would be overpowering! Jesus rebukes her – "Did I not tell you …?" He has promised – He will see it through! But the boulder must be removed first. There are boulders often in our lives hiding issues and experiences of the past. Jesus asks us to roll the boulder away and give Him access into our lives, so that He might cancel out despair and death, and bring His resurrection life! One of the keys to getting rid of a boulder in our lives is forgiveness. Pastor Phil has been teaching us on the healing power of forgiving and releasing those who have harmed and hurt us. Let's ask the Holy Spirit to help us get rid of boulders and obey Jesus. He has promised that "if you would believe and rely on Me, you would see the glory of God"!
Day 7:  John 11:41-46
            Jesus thanks His Father. Notice that, as with the miracle of the loaves and fishes, He thanks His Father before the miracle takes place, and He knows His Father hears Him. He has absolute confidence in Him. Can we praise God when the miracle hasn't happened yet? This is believing. Praise literally opens the gates of Heaven! Jesus SHOUTS to Lazarus to come out. He has been stone dead for 4 days! And he walks out, still wrapped in all the burial bandages! What a sight! How absolutely dumbstruck everyone must have been! Jesus has to tell them to release him! There must have been a huge amount of emotion and joy. Many joyfully put their trust in Jesus, the Son of God. Turn to God in praise, thanks and worship today, speak out your thanks for the promises you know He will fulfil for you!
   Jesus is our RESURRECTION and LIFE!
    When we believe in JESUS,
         walking and talking with Him, listening to Him, loving Him, receiving from Him,
putting our whole weight of trust on HIM, thanking and praising Him, 
                      speaking out His Word,

THEN He will show us God's glory – His marvelous joyful amazing salvation, healing, release and power in our lives!

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