Monday 23 September 2013

Week 7 ~ Readings in John's Gospel

“The time has come for the Son of Man to be exalted”
 Intro: On several occasions Jesus has answered His disciples by saying that His time has not yet come. Now we read in ch12v23 that His time has come. Jesus is preparing for His death – and He is preparing His friends and followers for all that will follow – explaining not only the reason why He has to die, but also what it means to follow Him through His death into His resurrection and life. We are more than half way through John. Congratulations for getting this far! As we press on with the final chapters and some amazing, life-changing teaching from Jesus, let’s open our hearts afresh to hear Him – the One Who speaks only what the Father speaks!

Day 1: John 11:47-57
            Jealousy, fear and hate take hold. The religious leaders decide to kill Jesus! They see Him as a threat to their control and authority over the people. In the face of antagonism and murderous threats, Jesus quietly withdraws. And His disciples go with Him. Let us be those who quietly wait with Jesus, seeking His way, when we face antagonism or difficult situations.(Read Isaiah 40:29-31 to see the results of waiting on the Lord!) Caiaphas prophesies one man will die for all people; he has God’s anointing upon him in his office as high priest, but it is not in him! He later is a major part of the trial condemning Jesus. However, the truth is here: one MAN did die for the nation and for all God’s scattered people everywhere (us!). Thank Him again and also please pray for the Jewish nation today to come to know their Messiah!

Day 2: John 12:1-11
            The whole house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume”. Mary’s love and worship begins the preparation for Jesus death and burial. Here is Jesus with His friends at the home of Mary and Martha. Martha is lovingly preparing and serving dinner, whilst Mary is finding the most precious thing she owns and pouring it out on Jesus, wiping His weary feet with her hair. Lazarus, who was dead and buried a few days before, is reclining at the table, talking and laughing with Jesus. This is a home full of love – all except for Judas, who is angry and critical of Mary’s outpouring of worship, and we learn also that he is a thief. Here is a glimpse of the open door that Judas is giving to deception and bitterness. Judas has followed Jesus with his feet and his mind, even having an important responsibility within Jesus’ close team, but he does not have heart faith and love. Let’s ask Jesus to purify our thoughts and actions, and bring Him our hearts and lives in love and worship, filling the house with fragrance – bringing the presence of Jesus everywhere we go!

Day 3: John 12:12-23
            “Look, the whole world is running after Him!” The people crowd into the streets to shout “Hosanna” as Jesus rides into Jerusalem on an untrained colt. They are greeting Him with praise as their longed-for King! John also quotes from the Scriptures to show how prophecy is being fulfilled – he wants to give even stronger evidence that Jesus is the Messiah, the Saviour of the world. “Do not fear …rejoice greatly…” (Zech 9:9). When our King comes, then fear has to go and rejoicing comes! He has come to save, to heal, to deliver from death. Greeks come also and want to see Jesus. The disciples tell Jesus and His answer is surprising. “The time has come …” He says! These Greeks represent the civilised but lost nations, and Jesus is announcing His coming death and the glory of His resurrection for all people. Let us rejoice and praise and sing to our King Jesus today!

Day 4: John 12:24-36
            “Unless a grain of wheat fall into the ground…” Some will remember Pastor Phil passing round grains of wheat one Sunday morning. In fact, mine were still falling out of my Bible case weeks later!! But they didn’t grow! No, they had to be planted to grow. Jesus is talking here about laying down our own way, our own thoughts and opinions, letting our hopes, aspirations and dreams die, surrendering our whole lives over to Him, to be planted in the ground of His love. HE will raise up all He has created us to be, with His gifts and anointing, and produce a great harvest of joy, peace and righteousness! (Romans 14:17) Many others will come to know Him through our lives representing Christ lifted up on the Cross. God’s voice thunders from Heaven to affirm His Son, and affirm His glory through Him. Jesus is calling us to walk in His light, to follow and serve Him, thus gaining honour from our Father!

Day 5: John 12:37-50
            Many still did not believe. John quotes here from Isaiah 53:1 and Isaiah 6:9,10. It is interesting that the apostle, Paul, in his last recorded words, also speaks out this scripture in Acts 28:26,27. Paul faced the same responses as Jesus did. ”Some were persuaded by the things which were spoken, and some disbelieved.” Acts 28:24. Watch what Jesus does – he continues to call out for the people to believe, trust in and cleave to HIM. Look at His promises reiterated in verse 45 and 46. Let us be those who love God’s approval rather than men’s – let us press on speaking the words of the Lord even when there is opposition. Even though hearts are hardened in sin and pride and stubborn tradition, the Father still calls each one. Jesus never judges – He keeps on loving and calling with Father’s words of love and promise of eternal life. Let us learn from Jesus, to be those who “just as the Father has told me, so I speak.”

Day 6: John 13:1-17
            “I have given you an example …” Jesus washes His disciples’ feet. Feet were hot, dusty and very weary after tramping the unmade surface of those roads and country paths. Servants would wash the feet of guests as they entered the house. Here is Jesus doing the most lowly and menial of tasks – washing smelly dirty feet! First He demonstrates to us that, once we have been cleansed by the forgiveness of His blood, we do not need repeated washing all over – but we do need refreshing as we get the dust and dirt of the world on us. He is always there to cleanse and refresh and encourage our hearts. Then He asks us to do this for others; to be those who, without criticism or judging, are going to be those who refresh and strengthen our brothers and sisters. Read Philippians 2:1-8. This is the way of blessing, the way of joy, fulfilment and peace in God.

Day 7: John 13:18-30
            It was night.” Jesus has taught much about the light and that He is the Light. But here is Judas walking in darkness – he goes out to betray the Lord Jesus. Sin has taken hold of his heart. We see the opposite in the one leaning up against Jesus as they recline at the table. This is John himself, the writer of this Gospel. (See ch21:20,24). John is close enough to Jesus to hear His whispers, and to learn His secrets. Peter is close enough for John to relay his question to Jesus. Let us be those leaning on the Lord, trusting Him intimately, listening and learning, walking in His light, in close fellowship with others who love Jesus, receiving revelation together from HIM.

Summary: Serving, loving, obeying, listening to His voice, speaking His Word – this is the example Jesus has given us to follow – refreshing and encouraging others without criticism and judgement. And all this only as we learn to surrender all that we consider precious to Jesus, and to love and worship Him with our whole life! Jesus has died for us – He calls us to lay down our lives for Him.

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