Thursday 10 October 2013

Week 10 ~ Readings in John's Gospel

Jesus prays!

Intro: The time has come for Jesus' arrest and trial. What is the last thing Jesus does before he is arrested? All the Gospels tell us that He prays. In the other gospels, He is in anguish before His Father in the Garden of Gethsemane, laying down His own will and struggling with His impending terrible death. But here in John, before Jesus retires to the Garden, John records how Jesus prays for His disciples. And in Romans 8:34 and Hebrews 7:25 we read Jesus Christ is still praying for us! Rom 8:34 (Message version):
"The One who died for us – Who was raised to live for us! - is in the presence of God at this very moment sticking up for us!"            
Even as Jesus faced His arrest, trial and the Cross, He wanted His friends to hear what He prayed – He wants us to know how He cares for and protects us, how He loves and how He and Father desire deep relationship with us. He wants us to know today what is on His heart for us who believe in Him.

Day 1: John 17:1-8
           "This is eternal life …" Jesus is talking to His Father, and, at the same time, giving truth to His disciples. So what is eternal life? – Jesus Himself gives the answer here. Read it again. It is not just about our future in Heaven with God – it is about KNOWING the "only true God" and KNOWING Jesus Christ, His Son, the anointed One, the Messiah.  Now and forever! Eternal life is always about relationship with God. Jesus speaks of His authority and His glory. What is Jesus asking the Father in verses 1 and 5? Jesus left the Father's glory to come to our world as a man – He is now about to return to that glory!  Again John affirms that Jesus was with God and was God before the world began! And now He tells His Father, "I have accomplished the work You gave me to do!" He has manifested the name, character and nature of the Father! v6. He has taught God's words to His disciples, so that they have come to believe in Him.

Day 2: John 17:9-19
            "I pray for them …" Jesus is very clear that He is not praying in general for the world, but for those who love and follow Him – those given to Him as His friends by Father! And He says that His glory is in them! Look what amazing oneness Jesus describes again between Him, His Father, and His disciples! He recognises they will remain in the world, as He goes to the Father. He is concerned for their welfare after He is gone. Perhaps you could make a list of all Jesus is praying here. What mission does He give us – see verse 18. And how does He equip us? Kept in the Father's love, guarded from evil, armed with the truth of the Word of God, one with Jesus, full of His joy – wow, what a picture is painted here, as Jesus, our Intercessor in Heaven, still prays for His disciples. He loves. He passionately cares for us!

Day 3: John 17:20-26
            Continue to list what Jesus is praying for YOU! John records here that it is not just for those disciples present with Jesus at the time, but ALL who believe in Jesus through their words! And so for all who believe in Jesus through our words too! It is so clear that Jesus' mission to represent Father to a sin-stricken, pain-filled world is now our mission. And Jesus prays for us to be one together, that the world might believe. As He made known the Love and nature of the Father, so we make Him known; loving Him, loving one another. Only possible because he prays for us! And Jesus' heart-longing, as He prays is that we might be with Him and He may be in us.
Day 4: John 18:1-9
            We learn here that the Garden was a place where Jesus often went to rest and relax with His disciples. Does it remind you of the Garden of Eden where God would walk and fellowship with Adam and Eve(Gen 3:8)? Where man first sinned and lost close fellowship with God, now Jesus begins God's redemption plan – in a garden with His close friends! The troops arrive with Judas. They ask for Jesus of Nazareth – the carpenter, the man. "I AM He!" As we begin to read this story of betrayal and trial, Jesus stands before us, a man. Only a man can die for the sin of the world. But He is declaring once again "I AM" - God the LORD! The effect of God Himself standing before the tough armed soldiers is that they all fall over backwards! They cannot stay upright in the presence of the LORD! Throughout the story, we will see how Jesus lays down His authority and power, to give Himself willingly, to die for us. At this point He could have just walked away as he has done in other incidents previously. But this is the time! Jesus, in His care for His friends, ensures they go free, whilst offering Himself up. And He chooses from now on to go the way of the Cross.

Day 5: John 18:10-14
            Peter rushes in to defend Jesus! I think he was not very practised at using a sword! He was a fisherman! In Luke 22:51, we read that Jesus touched the slave's ear and healed him! Luke was probably a doctor, and is the only one that records this detail in what would have been a horror scene of bad memories. What is Jesus' answer to Peter as He told Him to put away his sword? Jesus is freely giving Himself up. However willingly Jesus is going with the Roman soldiers and Jewish officers, they still feel it necessary to tie Him up as they lead Him off to the High Priest. Jesus bound, that we might go free!

Day 6: John 18:15-27
            Peter, recently so 'brave' that he pulled out a sword, now denies knowing Jesus – not once, but three times. The cock crows, as Jesus had told him. In the other gospels we read that Peter saw Jesus look at him, and went out and wept bitterly. Can you imagine how he felt, how he must have thought this was the end of everything? Watch the rest of the story regarding Peter – because there is great encouragement for us in the times we let our Lord down and fail to acknowledge Him. (It is totally different from Judas' betraying Jesus, purposefully going into the darkness to ally with Jesus' enemies.) Jesus Himself is facing the start of His trial in front of the Jewish authorities. How brave He is for our sakes. We face no condemnation, because He stood there publically for us. Let's thank Him again today. 

Day 7: John 18:28-40
            The hypocrisy of the religious Jews is incredible – they refuse to go into the Roman Governor's offices as they would defile themselves! BUT they can unashamedly bring an innocent Man to be tried by the Roman government! Pilate, the governor, had to walk from the inside where Jesus was a prisoner to the outer court to argue with His accusers. Jesus answers Pilate, "I AM a King"!  What does He tell Him about His Kingdom? What is Pilate's response in verse 38. Although Pilate finds no fault in Jesus, he still gives the Jewish leaders an opportunity to choose whether to release a thief or Jesus, the King. What do the Jews shout in reply? Jesus was born to be KING. Think today what it meant for Jesus to make it possible for you to be in His Kingdom, hearing His voice, and knowing God's truth!is H

 Summary: Jesus willingly offers Himself in our place! He has God-given authority over the whole world (17:2). He is a man without fault, wholly righteous – a man Who is God and came from the glory of the Father – a man willing to bear humiliation, trial and death – to save us and bring us into His Father's Kingdom, to know His love and protection forever! Oh, let's be those who worship Him as our King and bring glory to His name!

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